Website Copy

Logo for Writing Services EUWebsites at Business Writing Services EU

Websites must communicate with clarity and impact – and a call to action. But before this can happen, the site must be discovered by a web-surfer.

The visual impact of a website must be complemented by words that impart information simply and unambiguously and persuade the viewer to take action.

The content must focus on the type of traffic desired by the site owner. The writing must also be structured so that it accords with search engine optimization techniques as regards keywords and phrase but in such as way that it does not sound stilted or false.

Creating a successful website involves the collaboration of the site designer and a professional writer who is skilled in optimization techniques.

At Business Writing Services EU our approach to writing copy for websites involves working closely with the client and web-designer to express the client's message in the most effective way possible from the point of view of both the reader and the ranking the client hopes to obtain in search engine results.

Clients for website copy include Qatar Engineering Group, Citra Communications, and Hassan Abul.

For further information: /// tel: +353-(0)87-4163688

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